Electricity Supply Products

Explore electricity supply products from Constellation offers you the flexibility you need, while helping you meet your financial and environmental goals.

Defining how to purchase your power, and research confirms that “the how” is essential, can include any of the product solutions below.

Your strategy can be as sophisticated or simple as your goals, including integrating sustainability options into your electricity supply purchase. Constellation makes it easy for you to addcarbon-free electricity supply (EFECs)orrenewable energy certificates (RECs)to any of the following –

Fixed Price

  • A Fixed price solution offers you price stability and simplicity. You pay one fixed price per kilowatt for all of your electricity usage for the term of your choice. One-time decision, one price, one simple bill.
  • Pricing risk is managed by Constellation.
  • Customers who have limited load-shifting capabilities should select this option. It provides consistent and predictable load.
  • Layering in percentages of your electricity with fixed pricing can help minimize risk and avoid higher priced points in time.

Index Price

  • You do not lock in any of the costs associated with your power purchase. Your power supply price will float with the index of choice and is not subject to any risk premiums for fixing load.
  • This product is recommended for energy-savvy clients who are familiar with volatile electricity markets.
  • Because your usage is settled at your chosen index, you can take advantage of market opportunities without committing to a price.
  • Our research shows that incorporating index into your purchasing strategy tends to lower price and risk.

Flexible Fixed Price (FFP)

  • Similar to a standard fixed price but using several purchases over a longer period of time vs. one purchase decision.
  • Provides the opportunity to capitalize on market fluctuations and mitigate risk.
  • Don’t try to time the market and actively spreading your risk over time with multiple fixed price purchases over time
  • Eliminate purchase indecision creating by fixing your energy rate at a single point in time.

Watch our video on Flexible Price Products

Flexible Index Solutions (FIS)

  • 灵活的索引是一个成功的策略,修复percentage of your energy usage over the term of the contract, while the remaining volumes are settling using the chosen index.
  • FIS is appropriate for customers who need price stability and active cost management.
  • You pay a fixed fee for a percentage of your usage, even if it varies due to unforeseen events such as a heat wave.
  • You have the option of locking in 100% of your monthly consumption. This would result in a fixed kWh price.

Index Plus Block Solutions

  • The Index Plus Block solution is suitable for energy-savvy buyers who are willing to invest the time and effort in making ongoing decisions about when and how much power to purchase and who value the flexibility that comes with taking an active role in managing
  • Fixed block volumes do not protect against usage variance risk. Any discrepancy between actual and fixed volumes will be resolved by the index.
  • Take advantage of historically lower Index rates for all or a portion of your monthly kWh (Fixed Block).

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