What resources and tools are available to help me make informed decisions on power purchasing for my business?

Energy Price Monitoring with MarketWatch®from Constellation

MarketWatch monitors the forward power markets and is a no-cost tool offered to Constellation customers. You can proactively monitor energy prices to make an informed purchase decision when your "strike" prices are close. Choose a “strike” price, with a soft or hard trigger.

MarketWatch®Soft Trigger

  • A soft trigger will send an email notification when market prices reach your strike price.

MarketWatch®Hard Trigger

  • A hard trigger will make a purchase on your behalf when market prices hit your strike price. You can also choose to be notified when the market rises above a designated “ceiling” price to manage the effect of upward price trends.
  • You can purchase a predetermined percentage of your load, block of electricity or your entire load for a specific term.

MarketWatch can be used with the following Constellation power solutions:

  • Flexible Index Solutions
  • Index Plus Block Solutions
  • Fixed Price Solutions

Proactively Manage your Energy Strategy with i2i

Information-to-implementation (i2i) is a free reporting service to help you plan your budget and make informed purchasing decisions. This approach helps answer important strategic questions, such as the expected costs and actual spend through two key components:

Reporting- A series of reports (key performance indicators, cost, net open position) that provide you with information about your budget, expected cost and actual spend. Benefits include:

  • Market intelligence to make informed decisions
  • Well-rounded approach to managing energy costs
  • Determine preferred risk-return tradeoff in purchasing energy
  • Monitoring and mitigating energy spend and exposure

Energy Strategy Planner- The Energy Strategy Planner (ESP) helps you plan your budget and provides you with prospective purchasing strategies.