NYMEX Pricing Data

NYMEX pricing data helps natural gas customers strategically procure and manage their natural gas supply.

In order to view NYMEX pricing data, you must agree to both the usage agreement and the terms and conditions. If you refresh this page, you will be asked to agree to these documents again.

NYMEX Pricing Terms and Conditions

Energy Manager - Helping you Buy, Manage, and Use Your Energy

缺点tellation’s web-based customer service platform puts energy management at your fingertips. It provides 24/7 access to your account information – from usage data, to online payments and analysis reporting – allowing you to make proactive and informed decisions.

Features include:

  • Easy access to your facilities and accounts
  • Online bill pay and auto-pay
  • Visually enhanced energy usage dashboards
  • Customized logins for multiple employees at your company

MarketWatch Report

Interested in keeping an eye on the market? You can bookmark this page or ask us to set up MarketWatch. This complementary price alert service will send you an email when the market (NYMEX, basis or other published prices) hit the threshold you want to keep a look-out for. Contact your Business Development Manager to receive alerts.